iTest-ReadMe.txt 13 October 2010 Josh Sherman Global Caché iTest is the new utility used to verify Global Caché hardware function, test IR codes and other operations. When run for the first time, your security software may present a dialog box asking if you want to allow iTest to perform network communications. For proper function select “Allow" and make permanent if possible. iTest allows for connection to any Global Caché TCP network port, including ports 4998, 4999 and 5000. After specifying an IP address, choose the correct network port as needed and press connect. iTest contains three seperate send functions: Literal, Hex and Mixed. When sending literal strings, all characters input into the text field will be sent without any interpretation or additions to the string. When sending hex, strings can be oriented as hex bytes (2 characters 0-f) with, or without spaces between. What will be sent is the series of hex bytes represented by your string. When sending mixed, normal characters will be sent without translation, while any hex byte (2 characters 0-f) to be sent must be prefaced with a vertical bar "|". Inputting two vertical bars in sequence "||" will send a single vertical bar "|".